Every time you make a public comment on social media, you open up the doors of a huge opportunity for your business.
There are millions of your potential customers wandering around on social media every day – and if you interact with them in the right way, they WILL go check out your profile.
What will they find when they get there?
Will they find an easy path towards your business that attracts them into your world so you can help them with your product or service?
Or will they look around a bit and say, “Oh… well, good for him” and move on to the next cat video?

Getting into the mind of your potential stalker (or… customer)
People love posting on social media because it gives them that little dopamine boost… that voice inside says, “Hey! I’m not alone! People like me!”
and then they scroll and scroll and scroll…
It’s all highly addictive. And, like a drug pusher, we’re here to take advantage of that.
Uh… well… but you’re a good kind of drug pusher! Haha… maybe that sounds bad.
Face it, people are using social media whether you like it or not – they’re addicted. I’m addicted, you’re probably addicted (but we can quit any time, right? haha). They’re either going to look at someone else’s stuff or they can look at yours.
Besides, if you truly have a product / service that benefits people and solves their problems, you’re really doing them a disservice by keeping quiet about it.
So, actually you’re a real humanitarian – just look at you – helping people with the stuff you sell them.
All silliness aside, if you’re not selling people stuff you believe in and know is helpful and you’re just out to make a buck… just stop altogether.
So, you’ve got to set up your profile in such a way that draws them in. You want to help them, right? You know your product / service is good for them, right?
Help that wandering social media addicted soul out with some nice chicken soup in the form of your wonderful service.
My new e-book goes through how to set up your profile to do just that.
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