I live next to a big ol’ field.
They grow soy beans there, but…
In the off season I use it as my private walking / brainstorming paradise.
I can think out loud all I want and no one will think I’m a weirdo.
Don’t know what I’ll do when they start planting the field again and I can’t walk there.
Watching the farmers do their thing over the course of a year makes you think about how things work.
The main one being: Trusting the Process
Think about it…
For thousands of years, farmers have been repeating the same thing over and over and over.
Prepare the soil…
Plant the seeds…
Let the sun, water and air do their thing…
Harvest when the crop is ready.
Sure, there’s special skill and knowledge that farmers have that I don’t… but that’s basically it.
Years ago, someone figured out if you do these things…
you end up with food.
And if you do it right, you get A LOT of food.
You can feed your family and also make a living from it.
It’s pretty much the same thing I talk about in the Traffic Machine Blueprint.
You follow the process given…
You stay faithful to it…
Not getting distracted by other processes…
You stick to THIS process that you know has been proven over and over by many different people.
You keep sticking to it like a farmer does with his crops.
…And you get a result.
Does the farmer ever question the process?
He may hope and pray that the weather is good…
For sure, some seasons are definitely better than others.
But he knows that if he plants the seeds in good soil and they get enough water and sun, they’ll grow into healthy plants that provide for his family.
Whatever it is we do…
Many of us bounce around from process to process – many of them are great processes and DO work – but we don’t stick around long enough with one of them to see it through to the end.
It’s hard to trust the process when you’ve never done it before.
When you need to make sales NOW…
But you need to give it time.
Trust the process.
Trust that the people who showed you the process know what they’re talking about.
Don’t give up.
If it’s not working… ask yourself:
–How much time have I actually invested into making this work? Have I really given it a fair shake?
–Have I applied this process exactly the way I was taught or have I half-assed it?
–Am I getting discouraged because I haven’t seen instant results?
Let me tell ya, once you’ve proven the process works with your own two hands… the next time you put in the work, you’ll have a different attitude.
Now you KNOW the process works first hand.
Whatever you do…
Whether it’s making sales, building your email list, driving traffic to your website, learning an instrument, becoming a better writer…
Trust the process that’s been proven by others before you.
If you’re building an audience or selling stuff online, this process works nicely.